Welcome To Special Orchestra ®


By using same-tuned instruments (key of C)
Special Orchestras can start making music right away!
Special C Open Tuning works for any stringed instrument.
Tune strings to C & G notes.
Musicians can strum or bow, blending in
with songs played in the keys of C or G.
Add singing & percussion – you’ve got a band!

Let’s Tune Up Now!
Click play, below, for stringed instrument tune-up tones:

Audio Player

Special Orchestra®, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help persons of all abilities and disabilities, to share in the joy of making music. The Special Orchestra Method & Songbook (pdf) and the Start a Special Orchestra (video) will show you how! Play (and sing) along with forty, familiar songs via the Method & Songbook Play-Along Audio (mp3) or enjoy front row seats at our Dance-Musical: Everything That You Feel! (Dance-Musical)

What can a Special Orchestra be? A Special Orchestra can have any number of members. Musicians can be of any age. A Special Orchestra can have any combination of instrument types, but stringed instruments, keyboards, xylophones, C harmonicas, and percussion (maracas, tambourines, etc.) usually work better than hard to play wind instruments. Don’t forget to sing!

Where can a Special Orchestra play? A Special Orchestra can make music publicly or privately. Some stage big performances, others play at homes, schools, or community centers just for fun!

Who can be a Special Orchestra leader? Any teacher, provider or friend, who can play or prompt three chords, in the key of C, on the guitar, keyboard, auto-harp, ukulele, or other chord producing instrument can lead a Special Orchestra.

What can a Special Orchestra be named?  Almost anything, for example: the Baytown Special Orchestra, the Greenville High School Special Orchestra, or the Caledonia Rock Stars; anything except Special Orchestra® – that’s us! There is no special franchising or registration on our end…just use these methods in your own way. Please share this website to spread the magic of music for all!

Since 1999, Special Orchestra®, Inc. with its pioneer ensemble, the New Mexico Special Orchestra, has been helping people with special needs, globally, to really make music!  “Thanks for Special Orchestra’s hard work at the world Special Olympics – You enhanced the experience for a huge number of athletes!” ~ Siobhan Keane, Entertainment Manager, Special Olympics World Games, Dublin, Ireland.

20+ Years of Articles, Reviews & Scrapbook Items

Everything That You Feel!    Keep On
Moon Shadow    Perfect Heaven
(How To) Start a Special Orchestra
Everything That You Feel! (Full Dance-Musical)
New! Abq. Folk Fest., 2023
Play-Sing Alongs with Puppets (2020 Covid Relief)
2005 Documentary (David Yerxa)
Abq. Folk Festival (live)

Keep On   Everything That you Feel!
New Mexico Waltz   Beautiful Day
Perfect Heaven   Moon Shadow   Rolling Rocks
Laura’s Dream and Special Orchestra Rap
Method & Songbook Play-Along Audio

Tax Deductable Donation
To Special Orchestra®
Via PayPal Gateway.

PayPal Account Not Required.

Special Orchestra®, Inc.
Founder / Artistic Director:
Gair Linhart


Board Members:
James McDonald, Dr. Xeno Rasmusson,
P. Elena Sanchez, Gloria Ortiz, Carol Ahmed.
Special Orchestra® FB Page
Special Orchestra® Pinterest Page

Special Orchestra® Is A Registered Trademark
This project is funded in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the
Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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